Gratitude and Appreciation for Hardworking loyal employees is fundamental to the growth and success
In my three decades as an employer before our partnership with USHV, I have learnt that Gratitude and Appreciation for Hardworking loyal...

Kaizen: Continue to Learn and Grow!! Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish!!!
If it ain't broke... Are you sure? Striving for ongoing personal and professional excellence is a constant process. If we stop checking...

1. Someone makes 10x more than you do in a 9-5 job because they have more "leverage" with their work. 2. Distraction is the greatest...

July 20 , A Milestone to Celebrate !!!
July 20, 1985, 39 years ago today , I landed on the US soil ( coincidentally also marks the day man landed on the moon). Just as Lewis...

Happy July 4th
July 4, 1776 marks the historic day when 13 hashtag#Colonies ( Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Virginia, Maryland, Connecticut, New Jersey,...

Loved this quote Growing up as a kid and love it even more now !!!
hashtag#drsuneja US Heart and Vascular Harvard Medical School University Hospitals SUNY Downstate College of Medicine

Robin Sharma ‘s true Masterpiece: The Wealth Money can’t buy !!!
It is a must read for everyone and anyone who wants a truly rich life !!! US Heart and Vascular Harvard Medical School Case Western...

Transformative Cure for Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus on the horizon !!!
Amazing investigational Stem cell therapy as possible treatment gives hope to millions worldwide!!! https://news.vrtx.com/news-releases/n...

Witnessing a Historic Moment at the White House!
June 22, 2023 , exactly a year ago !!! Great Memories of the Historic visit of Indian PM Narendra Modi and President Biden addressing he...