Welcome to the Dickens’ Village !!!
Celebrate Christmas with us as we take you to Victorian England which at the time of Charles Dickens ( 1840s) was the epicenter of...
A Christmas Carol !
It is a heartwarming , beautiful and one of the most popular stories written by the Victorian era writer Charles Dickens whose writings...
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Immensely Grateful to GOD , The Divine Power for all his Blessings !!! Indebted to our Parents for their Unconditional Love , Guidance...
My heart is filled with Gratitude with blessings from my patients.
When I took my Hippocratic Oath with Mother Teresa on March 24, 1984 when I graduated from Maulana Azad Medical College , University of...
Thank you Houston Methodist West team!
Thank you to the entire team at Houston Methodist West including leadership from Dr Ifthikar and Dr Odhav for the Team High Reliability...
“Thank you” poem
When my patient Ms. Suzanne Mitchell brought this “Thank You “Poem Yesterday and presented it to me during her visit , it brought Tears...
Wishing All our Friends a very Happy Diwali !
Diwali or Deepawali which in Sanskrit means Row of Lights. This Indian Festival celebrated by Hindus, Sikhs , Jains and Buddhists...
30 Years of Practice and Still counting !
This week brought Amazing Joys to our practice. This week , We had two patients, one who drove 8 hours one way from East Texas and...
SuryaNamaskar :
SuryaNamaskar : Sun Salutation is a set of 12 Asanas ( Postures) developed by the ancient Indian Sage Patanjali over 5000 years ago . It...
September 29 is World Heart Day !
Today , September 29 is World Heart Day ! This is a perfect opportunity for everyone to stop and consider how best to use your Heart ❤️...