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StartFragment 9/11: No day shall erase you from the memory of time: A day that We all remember where we were when we heard the unthinkable news . 9/11 is the saddest day in the life of all Americans and World Citizens who watched the World Trade Center Twin Towers hit by insane terrorists flying 747 Jumbo Jets into them killing innocent 2996 Americans. Even though it was 18 years ago, I clearly remember when during the TCT Cardiology Conference I was attending in Washington DC, we found out during the break, by watching TV that both World Trade Center had been hit and collapsed. I along with fellow cardiologists , were in total disbelief, unable to comprehend what actually had happened. Shocked beyond words and feeling the pain of people jumping from high floors to certain death only to escape pain of being burnt alive, those pictures still bring tremendous agony. Today let us all celebrate the valor of all the first responders and citizen heroes who put their own lives in jeopardy and saved thousands of citizens while sacrificing their own lives on many occasions. Let us appreciate our leaders who exhibited tremendous resolve and courage handling this monumental tragedy. Let us Memorialize 9/11 by Thanking all our men and women in uniform who continue to protect us giving us joys of freedom! God bless the United States Of America! #drsuneja, #9/11memorial, #worldtradecenter, #freedomtower, #nyc, #nypd, #nyfdEndFragment

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