India sets an Example to the World!
India sets an example to the World with a complete ban on E cigarettes!
India became the First Nation in the World to ban E Cigarettes through an Executive Order today. This ban comes at a time when hazards of vaping with increasing popularity of E Cigarettes especially among teenagers and young adults has become an alarming public health concern not only in the US but all over the World.
Last week, New York became the first state to ban E Cigarettes passed again by an executive order.
Besides Hazards of E Cigarettes that include Nicotine Addiction, these devices create ultra fine particles that damage lungs by inhalation. Inhalation of the flavored oils that turn into volatile vapors contain numerous organic compounds and heavy metals like Nickel, Tin and Lead that are extremely toxic to the lungs and can lead to permanent irreversible damage to the lungs. In addition flavorants such as diacetyl present in inhalation have been also been linked to serious lung disease.
Indian Government is very serious to put an early end to this epidemic with first offenders punishable with a jail term of up to 1 year and a fine up to $1400. Repeat offenders can be jailed up to 3 years and a fine up to $7000. This high penalty will clearly put a big dent in the unauthorized use of E Cigarettes immediately.
Modi’s Government has set an example to lead the World in this bold move to safeguard Health of the Indian Citizens. USA needs to pass a legislation promptly to protect the millions of vulnerable youth getting addicted to this deadly habit.