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"Caring for your HEART with our HEARTS."® Since 1993.

A Very Special Christmas Eve, 5:51 PM , 2007

When Two Beautiful Angels Nisha and Shivani were born,

With sweet recollections of yesteryears,

you have now grown into Confident, humble, sweet, beautiful, intelligent young ladies now.

While continuing your journey of excellence in academics and sports,

Diligently working on PreAP courses, theater, arts, softball and tennis with tremendous dedication,

You are expanding in bloom and developing in Grace.

You sisters are ready to rise and shine and follow your passion as you enter the fire of life.

May you grow lovelier and sweeter,

As life has just begun as you get ready to meet the new challenges of high school next year,

This second year of pandemic has taught you both patience , caution , perseverance,

while you continue to strengthen your bonds of friendship in the best possible ways,

Your love for our dogs Cookie, Max and Molly is truly unconditional,

As we watch you both listen to music while sipping year favorite Starbucks drink,

We see Time fleeting fast as you’re growing into graceful Teenagers now ,

We Rejoice the compassion and kindness you have for your family and friends,

May your hearts be always smiling and your soul be a free like a bird,

Your Youth brings Hope and Love with your loving , caring hearts ,

May you be the Master of your fate and the captain of your soul,

May you take the road less travelled,

While you hold fast to your dreams and soar like an eagle ,

May your Journey of Learning be a lifelong passion ,

We pray for your pursuit of Happiness,

Today , Tomorrow and Always,

May your Heart be full of Love and Gratitude,

We hope you Stay Hungry, yet stay Foolish ,

May you Always keep Smiling like the sweet blessings of Spring, Radiating Optimism like a rainbow,

You bring Incredible Joy and Laughter to the whole family and friends,

We hope to continue to Guide and Love you till our last breath ,

You both are a Wonderful blessing in our Lives,

Wishing you a very Special Happy 14th Birthday!!!

Love , Mom and Papa.

December 24, 2021

( I love this yearly tradition penning down my thoughts on their Birthday)


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