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Happy Father’s Day to all the Dads all over the World!!!

Fathers tend not to get as much recognition as Mothers do which is totally justifiable as Mothers Love and Sacrifice for her children and family CANNOT be equalled by anyone including Fathers. However Fathers also play a crucial role in raising their families. Even though, my Dad passed away more than 32 years ago , I miss him and remember him as a Great Father , Loving Family man, A Philanthropist , who became a Very Successful Bank Executive retiring as The Regional Manager of New Delhi Region for Oriental Bank Of Commerce overseeing 26 Branches and thousands of employees. If I have to sum him up in a line , He was an INCREDIBLE HUMAN BEING! What ever I have accomplished so far in life , I owe a lot to my parents and teachers . Our Dad never formally taught us but we both brothers learnt the value of hard work , integrity , ethics and leadership by seeing him in action . So to you Dad in Heaven , Wishing you a very Happy Heavenly Father’s Day ! We both brothers have always loved you and will continue the path of service you taught us both , to serve people with kindness, love and respect!!! #HappyFathersday, #drsuneja❤️❤️❤️ This Picture of My Parents was taken almost 40 years ago in our Home in New Delhi !



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