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Happy Memorial Day!

Let us Pause and Reflect, Honor and Remember the fallen servicemen and women who sacrificed their lives serving our Country! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Memorial Day is an American Tradition that began as Decoration day on May 30th, 1868 organized by General John Hogan and General James Garfield at Arlington Cemetery to celebrate the Civil War Military Personnel who had laid down their lives defending this country.

In 1968, #US #Congress passed the Uniform Monday Holiday Act establishing #MemorialDay as the last Monday of May and declared it a federal holiday honoring the armed forces and the veterans.

Let’s thank all our #Military personnel #Veterans and their families for their dedication and sacrifice allowing us Americans to enjoy our Freedom and Peace!

Memorial Day 2021 is also dedicated to all the health care professionals who are working selflessly caring for the sick in the past year and a half during the Covid 19 pandemic with almost 3600 of them sacrificing their lives while protecting us from this deadly virus.

May God continue to bless this Great Nation of Ours with Peace , Liberty and Happiness for All!!!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸#drsuneja


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